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The 9 Pound Reason I’ve Been Absent…

Last night, in the true fashion of all sleep-deprived mamas,  I ran to the store in my yoga pants. moccasins and a sweatshirt and, after pulling into the parking lot, I realized that I smelled like sour milk and I had spit up down the front of me.  But what a great feeling!

The time has FLOWN by,  as it always does with every babe, and introductions are long over due!  Here is the handsome reason I’ve been MIA for the last few weeks!


 Logan Elijah



THANK YOU for all of your kind words on facebook and instagram (and join me on there if you haven’t already – I promise to flood your feed with baby-lovin’).  Now that we’re establishing some sense of our new “normal” (aka: coffee-based existence) you’ll find me on here a little more often than I have been – which isn’t saying much, I know – but I have some great recipes and give-aways planned that are too great not to share!

til next time!

get the word out:

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