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A Father’s Day Questionnaire (a great keepsake for dad!)


With Father’s Day fast approaching, here is a cute questionnaire that you can use as a gift for “daddy”.  I’ve collected these questions from several different projects that I’ve seen like this from across the land of pinterest.

Below are questions that you can ask your child/ren about their dad.  Make sure to write down exactly what they say!  You can print these off and frame the answers, or -even better – video tape your youngster and watch it together on Father’s Day.

If you print them off, I definitely recommend this leather binder.  Put all of your kids’ answers inside, color a picture for the front, and keep it from year to year, adding all of their Father’s Day pictures and Questionnaire answers.  Automatic Father’s Day time capsule! (you’re welcome!)


(see that awesome (blurry, indistinguishable) early ’80’s photo? that’s me and my daddy 🙂 and that smudge in the middle was our Keeshond puppy)

Have a wonderful weekend with your dads! (oh – and if you get any great answers to these, please share in the comments!!)


get the word out:

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