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Writer's pictureKelsi Rea

25 Grain + Gluten Free Strawberry Recipes

25 Grain and Gluten-Free Strawberry Recipes :: Vintage Kids | Modern World

Tonight, we invaded the strawberry patch and we were victorious!!  After about an hour and 20 minutes, we left with 27 pounds of strawberries.  We had reached maximum-toddler-patience level at that point.  However, he was surrounded by free food – “burries” as he calls them – so I still don’t see the reason for his consternation.  Never the less, we considered it a success and we all left with red lips and sticky fingers. and mosquito bites.

The sacrifices we must pay!

Now to process the “burries” and figure out what to do with our small treasure…

Several pounds will be left fresh, for snacking and more snacking, as well as for a handful of the treats you’ll see below.  The majority will be washed, and capped, and then frozen on cookie sheets in a single layer (don’t just throw them in a bowl.  Trust me on this.  I did it once pre-kids-early-on-in-marriage and we ended up with a 14 inch solid strawberry popsicle. )

We try to make them last, and hopefully we’ll be out to pick at least once more this season.  In the mean time, as you take advantage of this year’s strawberry season, check out some of our favorite strawberry recipes!  Some we’ve tried, and some we haven’t, so if you give them a whirl, let us know how it went!!

(side note – a few of these recipes call for good old fashioned white sugar.  This is an easy fix and I typically substitute coconut sugar, if it needs to be a dried sweetener, or honey or maple syrup if it can be tweaked with a liquid sweetener.  If you have questions about possible healthier sugar substitutions, let us know in the comments and we’ll help you out!)

::drum roll please::

25 Grain + Gluten Free Strawberry Recipes

Strawberry Basil Almond Flour Muffins (with the strawberry basil lemonade, perhaps? strawberry/basil overkill?  or genius? you decide…)

Strawberry Foot Scrub (this should go without saying, but don’

Yes, I know that the majority of these are desserts.  Is that a problem?

You can find these, and many more awesome recipes over on our Pinterest Boards!

What are your favorite recipes to use up your strawberry harvest?  please share in the comments or ad a link to your blog post!

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