This week I had one of those freak out moments where you realize that Christmas is going to be here WAY too soon. The days are getting shorter, and colder, and Thanksgiving will be here in 3 weeks. Yes, only 3 weeks! This year, I need to start thinking about gifts much earlier than I normally do. Doing my shopping last minute (even though it’s generally online these days) is just not as easy with children who are in constant need of attention.
Last week, Kelsi started our new Friday special posts that will run until Christmas. Each week, we’ll share our favorite gift ideas. Some you buy. Some you make. All are simple and thoughtful. If you missed last week’s list, you can see it here.
Here’s our list for this week!
Who wouldn’t want these blocks?
Hand-stained rosette clips that come in 3 different sizes. Perfect for the cute girl on your Christmas list.

Beautiful print…(I want this for my daughter’s room!)
Four bowls handpainted by women from Kashmir.


Simple, but OH so cute, and extremely useful.

This would be a great gift for grandparents!
Come back each Friday from now til Christmas as we feature our favorite items and projects to spark your holiday gift-giving ideas!
Do you have an item or project that you’d like to see featured here?
Shoot me an email at kelsi {at} cheekybumsblog {dot} com !!
get the word out:
