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A Natural Cleaning Recipe Round-Up and A Free Printable To Keep Them Organized!

Writer's picture: Kelsi ReaKelsi Rea
FREE PRINTABLE Natural Cleaning Recipe Sheets from Vintage Kids Modern World

I’m a huge fan of natural products and it’s true – I don’t want to dump sludge into our rivers and streams and I want to steward God’s amazing creation.

However, my kids are God’s creation and I want our home to be the safest place on earth!

I love making my own cleaning products, but let’s be honest – sometimes they aren’t all that they’re cracked up to be.  Yes, I want my home to be safe, but I also want it to be CLEAN and I don’t want to scrub for endless hours.

After some trial and error and some great recommendations, here are some of my favorite products and recipes.  These are my picks for the best in each category, and hopefully this will give you a master list to work from!

At the bottom of this post, I’m also sharing my FREE printable Natural Cleaning Recipe Sheets.

It’s a cook book of sorts for cleaning recipes!!  It never failed that I was scribbling recipes on post it notes, scrap papers, or just relying on my over-extended mommy-brain to remember the ratios of baking soda to vinegar. I finally gave up and made a cute set of printables, assuming that I can’t be the ONLY person out there who does this!  Pin it, print it and share it  to your heart’s content!

You can easily three hole-punch this set of sheets and stick them in a three-ring binder.  Or, if you’re more visual like me, you can print these off and tape them in the appropriate location.  For example, my laundry sheet is hanging in my laundry room, so that I can make my items in that room. My bathroom cleaning list is taped on the inside of our bathroom closet door, and my kitchen cleaning list is taped to the inside of our kitchen cabinet where I keep the cleaning supplies.  You get the picture.

Keeping them in plain view also means that my oldest daughter can help me prepare most of these and get used to making her own cleaning supplies!

I’ve left these sheets blank so that you can personalize the recipes.  I hope you’ll try out some of these awesome recipes from some of my favorites bloggers, but if you already have a tried and true natural cleaner, then sister, don’t reinvent the wheel.  These are my personal favorites and what you’ll find on my lists if you peek in my cabinets when you come over for dinner.

Now, to get you started:

A General List of Products To Keep on Hand:

Castile Soap (I prefer unscented so that it’s more versatile)

Assortment of Essential Oils (particularly Tea Tree Oil, lavender, Grapefruit, Peppermint and Citrus Blends)

Cute Mason Jar Pump for hand soaps or dish soaps (obviously not necessary, but a perk)

old towels or cut up t-shirts for the really nasty stuff

Complete List of Natural Cleaning Supplies:

In the bathroom:

Non-Toxic Tub Scrub || The Daily Pea

In the kitchen:

Homemade Dishwasher Detergent Tablets || Five Little Homesteaders

In the Laundry Room:

Natural Fabric Softener || Growing Up Herbal

DIY Liquid Laundry Soap || Vintage Kids|Modern World

DIY Felted Wool Dryer Balls || Vintage Kids|Modern World

Stain Remover || Vintage Kids|Modern World

In the Living Room

Homemade Glass Cleaner || Whole New Mom

Green Cleaning For Carpets || Naturally Mindful

Everywhere else:

DIY Orange Vinegar || Homegrown and Healthy

Grapefruit All-Purpose Cleaner || Five Little Homesteaders

Homemade Soft Scrub With Peppermint || Five Little Homesteaders

Mold and Mildew Spray || Vintage Kids | Modern World

enjoy! (and now go clean something!)

get the word out:

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