This giveaway is now closed. Congrats to Sonja LaVerdure!!!

If you’ve been hanging around here long, you know that I wash my face with oil.
Weird, I know. (And if you haven’t been here long, go ahead and click the link above. No rush. I’ll be here when you get back…)
You’ll also know that we’re living on one income while I hold down the fort and homeschool the restless natives, so I like to keep things around the house SIMPLE and CHEAP.
I was thrilled when Heather from Honestly Simple Soaps asked me to do a review of her products, because they fit the bill!

Before I go on however, I have to apologize to Heather…
Heather, as I was crafting this post in my head, I envisioned all of these spa-like pictures of the soaps and lotions you sent, graced by flowers in sun-dappled arrangement. I procrastinated. To the point where I couldn’t take pictures because everyone in my family loved your products and they’re almost all gone! There is only a little bit of the shea butter hard lotion bar left because I HID it from them.
{ oh, the trials of a mommy-blogger. }
So, my sincerest apologies to you dear Heather, and to you dear friends, that I don’t have any great product shots for you…
except for this one:

Here’s where my hard lotion bar is hidden. (It’s my personal favorite – I’m a HUGE fan of the hard lotion because it lasts FOREVER, it works amazingly well, and Heather’s lavender vanilla bar smells incredible!). It’s above my kitchen sink, in my nifty little vintage-y cup. (Don’t worry, my kids don’t read my blog, they can’t reach that high, and we have so many vintage knick-knacks that my hubs has given up looking through them).
Hopefully that is a testament to how fantastic Heather’s products are!
I was able to use her orange cream salt scrub…once. Before my daughters hijacked it (because it smelled like a dreamsicle, and honestly, what is cooler than rubbing salt all over your body and ending up with super soft, moisturized skin?!?)
She also sent me her mojito scented cream lotion. Seriously? Rubbing mojito all over my skin?!?! Heather’s a genius! (And she’s a mom. What mom doesn’t want to rub on some mojito?!?) But again, it was stolen by the 4 foot-and-under crowd and I think it’s currently on their night stand. They have no clue what a mojito is, but lime and mint together? They’re huge fans.
And finally, her mojito scented bar soap. Bath time just got ramped up a notch around these parts!
And then my hubs used it all, because, hey, it lathers great, and did I mention the mojito part?
So there you have it: the awesome products that I couldn’t photograph because they were too awesome.
Now for a little behind the scenes – I love to support WAHM businesses (Work At Home Mom – just making sure we’re on the same page. I’m lookin’ out for ya.) and Heather makes her home in Vermont, where she hand-makes all of her products! Everything is scented naturally with only essential oils and (I love this!) you can make your own!!! If you live near Heather’s neck of the woods, you can contact her about booking a party where you and your BFFs all get together and make and scent all of your own body products! This would be a great idea for a bridal shower, baby shower, or just a girls’ night in!
And now, it’s time to share the awesomeness!
Heather is offering one of you lucky readers a $25 gift card for anything in her store!!!
(seriously, the hard lotion is where it’s at, but with $25, you can get a ton of stuff!)
To enter, simply fill out the rafflecopter entries below! The giveaway will close at midnight on Friday, January 31st, and winners will be announced on Saturday, February 1, 2014.
note: This post is sponsored by Honestly Simple Soaps and I was given complimentary products in exchange for my review and honest opinion.
image amended by me, but originally from this great photographer
get the word out:
