We, here at Cheeky Bums, have decided we’d like to give you a better glimpse into who we really are as families. Every month we, along with the Reas, will each be sharing a “life” post of the previous month. We have loved connecting with you through the blog and facebook and we wanted to share a more personal (aka: every day, hum-drum, boring, normal) side of our lives. We are just your average families, doing life, and loving it…at least most of the time! Disclaimer: Some months may be a lot more exciting than others! J

Our family has actually had quite an eventful, full month. This is NOT normal for us. Any excitement in this household is usually dependent on how many free Redbox coupons we are able to enjoy! But this month we were blessed to celebrate Isa’s first birthday. Oh, what fun it was! We had such a simple little party for her with immediate family and both Chris and I were more exhausted by the end of it than she was. (I can’t even imagine the exhaustion when the child’s friends are added in!) I received my second-trimester spurt of energy and decided to make a few simple decorations.
Her birthday hat:

Buntings…though I didn’t get them finished.

I served her favorite foods: chili, sauerkraut, and olives. And, my first cake…EVER! Nothing healthy about it…way too sweet for me but I was too nervous to change the recipe. She was a little nervous to try it at first. But after the first taste, she dug right in.

I loved reminiscing about the expectation, the waiting, and the excitement of the year before. What a joy it was…and continues to be. But it is such a surreal time to go from a childless couple to being parents. I was also blessed to have a professional birth photographer for Isa’s birth so we re-lived that night through the couple hundred of photos that we have. Those photos are so special to me!
Isa also started walking and I’m loving it. She’ll keep herself busy for hours going from one room of the house to another “organizing” (at least that’s what I like to call it)! Today I found Chris’ shoe in the washer. Here I found her “organizing” my aloe plant.

And our delightful vacation that you are all sick of hearing about by now! We actually headed west to Iowa for a couple of days to visit some friends and for me to attend a conference before making our way to Gatlinburg. And no, normally if you live in Indiana, you don’t drive through Iowa to get to Tennessee! it was out of the way but definitely worth it and Isa loved playing with other children (I can’t believe I didn’t get any pictures of them together!) while we adults enjoyed talking, sipping coffee, and laughter.
Our cabin was SO wonderful. (Oh, and so was our rental car!)

What a beautiful view it had. Our bedroom had a wall of windows and we woke up to this view every morning.

I love sipping coffee and staying in my pajamas way too late and not having to feel bad about it. We both were able to read to our hearts content (okay, not quite…but to-our-heart’s-content-while-having-a-kid kind of contentment). We were even able to enjoy several times of hiking in beautiful weather.
Isa’s highlights included spaghetti night

Playing in water

And spending some extra time with Papa.

And last but not least, we thought it appropriate to share a family picture of us with our Saturn SL1. It looks nicer in this picture than intended! J


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